Miró in Serralves

About 80 pieces of Juan Miró, property of Portugal’s government, are being shown in Serralves.

These Miró painting are being presented for the first time, from 1st of October to 28th of January, with the opening scheduled  for the 30th of September!

The exposition called “Joan Miró: Materiality and Metamorphosis” is being commissioned by Robert Lubar Messeri, art specialist of Miró’s work, and the exhibition project is from Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira.


The display covers six decades of the artist’s career, from 1924 to 1981. It addresses, in a particular way, the transformations of pictorial language that the Catalan artist started to developed in the twenties. It focus his transformations and metamorphosis in the fields of drawing, painting, collage and tapestry.

For this unique showcase organized by the Contemporary Museum of Serralves, a catalogue will be printed with an essay by the Commissioner.


AtWill is not missing out on this event! What about you? Join us in a visit to the Serralves Museum!